
I am with her

Posted in Photoblogs and stuff at 10:48 pm by jceasar0118


November 8 turned out to be the saddest day of the history of America after 9/11.  DT was elected as the 45th president of United States.  To the present, the country is divided due the news dissiminated by the fear mongering dotard of United States. God bless us America, God bless us all.  May we all survive these days of history.


On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, fate of United States is going to be decided.  I hope Trump lose so I can finally tune in to CNN without seeing the smug of Corey Lewandowski,  hear the screw up history of Katrina Pierson or listen to Kayleigh Mcenany’s ditzines. Barring anymore email surprise from FBI or Wikileaks, Hilary Rodham Clinton is projected to be the 45th President of United States.Heaven knows I tried to give Donald Trump a chance. Trump is supposed to be the new blood that Washington perhaps need to jump start millinneals banal interest on politics. A billionaire, a negotiator and an engaging speaker, he is a Washington, DC outsider and not a traditional politician. But he constantly buries himself with outrageous lies and   cockamamie stuff.  He can’t release his taxes because he is being audited, he did not say this or that, he is a demagogue who perfectly fit with the alt-right. The “groping incident” was just a nail in the coffin. He said so many hurtful things that I would prefer to vote for Belzeebub than this orange-amoeba.

Any Republican candidate could beat Hilary Clinton. She carries too much baggage. Deleting emails is indefensible violation of FOIA. If not for the DOJ, she could had been indicted. Thank goodness for Donald Drumpf, a God’s gift to the Democrats. Not only United States is slated to have another Democrat as president, the Republican party is severely fractured.

Republicans did it to themselves, rather than thinking what is right for the country, they promoted their self-interest. Let us start with Marco Rubio. Marco Rubio thought he was the second coming of Obama. Young, articulate and charismatic. But the comparison stops there. Marco Rubio has no acumen to lead United States. He can’t construe logical statement without the help of teleprompter. He memorizes his speeches and when questions are asked outside the norms, he just repeat what he memorized. He sounds like a robot when interrogated thus the moniker Robot Rubio. Then there is Jeb Bush. For the life of me where did he get the audacity to run for presidency? Seriously, any amateur historians who were born after 1960s would remember that America went to recession during George Bush Sr tenure and another recession during George Bush Jr. Enough is enough. Not another Bush. Chris Christie is a criminal who can’t lay off his hands on Oreos. He has to be persecuted after the election. What he did to the Mayor and residents of New Jersey was evil and immoral. Then Dr Ben Carson; is there anyone who takes this guy seriously. He has no place in politics. He has no idea about interest rates, foreign policy or anything about the country. Carly Fiorina was a failure in HP; should I say more? Then there is Ted Cruz who like to spews lies while holding the bible on his right hand. I can go on and on what I dislike about Ted Cruz but I may end up being miserable like him. No one wants to work under Ted Cruz–not even members of the GOP. John Kasich is hated by women in Ohio that he may not even carry his own state if he was the Republican presidential nominee.

This election is the most contentious that I ever witnessed in my 20 plus years of living in United States. Hilary Rodham Clinton is not the most exciting candidate. She is a typical politician, a panderer who says anything to get elected. But one thing that I admire with this woman is she is tenacious.  She is hard worker, ambitious, calculating, pragmatic and persistent. Despite health issues, Benghazi shenanigans, Bill Clinton’s embarassing infidelities and email brouhaha, she did not stop until the glass ceiling is broken. When she was grilled for 11 hour by Benghazi committee, I thought she was going to crack, she did not, she was a machine. For 11 hours, the Benghazi committee tried their best to bait her and make her say incriminating statement, she did not cower, seriously, she is a bad ass. Benghazi was the longest sitting committee in American history. It is a witch hunt, a travesty at its best to disparage Hilary Clinton. Republicans feared her, she is a juggernaut in politics. Despite four Generals testimony that there was nothing they could had done to prevent the death of Ambassador Stephens, it took years, and tons of tax payers money for the Benghazi committee to end the investigation.

The fruitless investigation yields another reason to prosecute Clinton–the damn private servers. For goodness sake, private servers??? Since the ubiquity of the Internet, politicians like George Bush, Condoleeza Rice or Collin Powell have been using personal emails. Even motherfucking Jason Chaffetz uses gmail account. Investigation of private server or use of personal domain is another horseshit that Republicans made up to waste tax payers money. I honestly don’t give a fuck if the mails servers were in DC, hosted in the Cloud, behind Cisco firewall or Barracuda, determined hackers would find a way to intrude privacy. Thirty three thousand deleted emails is nothing compared to the 22 million emails that RNC lost. I am tired  of partisans hypocrisy.

Yesterday I requested for my mail in ballot. I made up my mind. Clinton is not the most desirable candidate but she is the lesser evil among the four candidates. She has the experienced, the acumen and the temperament to lead this country. If she wins, in four years, I will find out if I made the right decision. If I did not and Clinton turns out to be another Bush, I will take solace that I was part of the history that nominated the first woman President of United States. Four years from now,  whether Clinton win or lose, I could look back on November 8, 2016 with a clear conscience and say on that election day, “I was with her.”