
I don’t have a gray color

Posted in Photoblogs and stuff at 2:56 pm by jceasar0118

I am very passionate to the extreme.

For example, I hate the Lakers with passion. I love the Houston Rockets as much as I love my parents.

I love Pier 1 imports.  I can’t stand K-mart.

There are people in my group that I love to pieces.  There are people in my group that I despise to death.

It’s either I like you or I hate you.

I don’t have a gray color.

It is either black or white.

I don’t have a color in between.


What’s in a name?

Posted in Photoblogs and stuff at 9:35 am by jceasar0118

I am oblivious to the way I dress.

But I am particular to name-brand.  I don’t shop at Old Navy, Target or JC Penney.  

I need a new car.  I can’t afford a new one as of this time because I will not settle buying Toyota or Honda.

What’s in a name?

A car is just a car.

A shirt is just a shirt.

Does my preference for name-brand stems from covert insecurities ?

Or is it my way to obscure my desire for perfection?

I prefer the latter answer.