
I wish I have their confidence …

Posted in Photoblogs and stuff at 3:32 pm by jceasar0118

We were interviewing for a senior programmer candidate these past few weeks and  I can’t help not to chuckle with the candidates’ responses to the interview questions. 

For example.

Question: From 1 - 10 rate your PL/SQL skills?

Candidate 1:  I am very confident.

So we asked the candidate to pick two questions out of the nine questionnaires.

Guess how many question the first candidate correctly answered ? nada, zero, zilch, caput.

@!!$$%^@%^@ … i can write pl/sql with my eyes closed but I will never answer “confident” on a job interview.

Here’s another one …

Question: From 1 - 10 rate your PL/SQL skills?

Candidate 2: 8 to 10

So my boss asked questions based on the ratings.

Question: What is the difference between function

and procedure.

Candidate 2: uh….

Another question: (this is a sql 101 question ) What is the difference between truncate and delete?

Candidate 2: uh…

My boss was really in the mood to torture this one, she asked another question.

Question: Which part of the code trap error

Candidate 2: uhh …

Bunch of suckers … why rate yourself so high when you can’t even answer a simple question.

seriously, I wish I have their confidence ..